Championing Self-Care and Empowerment for Women

1. Who is Tammani N Trevillion,LPC and what makes your story special?

"I am a native of Fayette, Mississippi. My educational achievements include a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state(s) of Mississippi and Texas. I work with individuals and families to identify mental, behavioral, and emotional problems that prevent them from becoming the best version of themselves. My clients and I work together to identify healthy solutions to problems causing emotional distress. My passion for helping others is what influenced my career choice.

I am concerned with the welfare of others and seek out organizations and groups dedicated to making the world a better place. I found this in the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, of which I am an active member. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority works to alleviate problems concerning girls and women, awards educational scholarships to local students, and participates in highway beautification projects, to name a few."

2. What is your favorite affirmation?

My favorite positive affirmation is, 'My inner strength is invincible.' I am strong and capable of overcoming obstacles and challenges that may come my way. Keeping this mindset allows me to work without fear and deepens my connection with who I am at my core.

3. What does ‘Save Yourself’ mean to you and how have you done this in your lifetime?

My favorite positive affirmation is, 'Save Yourself,' for me means a lot of things. It means that I must be aware of my limits and how much I have to give others so that my cup does not run over. It means knowing the true value of my worth so that I do not put myself in unhealthy situations. It also means doing things that make me happy. Saving myself means taking care of myself, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

4. How does the work that you do help women to ‘Save Themselves’?

I have been providing counseling services for nine years and have counseled many women. Low self-esteem is a contributing factor in a lot of women’s mental health issues. I use a cognitive-behavioral approach which teaches women to recognize the relationship between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps them to understand how certain patterns of thinking can keep them stuck in unhealthy relationships. By changing the way, they think about things, they can change their lives.

5. What have been your greatest barriers or struggles in life, business, and personal growth and how did you overcome them?

In the past, it bothered me to be around people with no passion, goals, or ambitions. They couldn’t see a future for themselves, and it affected my ability to see one for myself. All of the negative talk affected my mood. I put distance between myself and these friends and started to spend time with people more like myself. By changing friends, I became more motivated in achieving my goals.

6. What advice would you give to your younger self about wellness, selfcare, and prioritizing yourself if you could go back in time?

If I could go back in time, I would say, 'Put yourself first.' I would also say, 'You are worthy just as you are.' It was my belief that others were more important and that I should sacrifice myself for them. While I do believe in helping others, I understand the importance of not ignoring myself. I would also tell my younger self to stop caring what other people think because what people think does not matter. How you see yourself is much more important than how others see you.

7. What would you say to a woman who is struggling to find balance in her life between herself, family, and career?

I would say, 'No is a complete sentence, and it’s okay to say No.' I would tell her to make time for herself and to let go of things that do not serve her in a positive way. I would also tell her how important it is to set healthy boundaries in order to reduce stress that comes with spreading yourself too thin.

8. What are your favorite ways to pour back into yourself mind, body, spirit?

Meditation brings me back to myself. It helps to calm my mind. There are times when my mind can become quite busy. Journaling also helps because it allows me to focus on one thought at a time, which stops me from becoming overwhelmed. Shopping and reading are other favorite activities that help to calm my mind and spirit.

9. What can readers expect from you in the upcoming months?

I am in the process of starting my own practice and growing my platform. Also, I am seeking opportunities in which I can do public speaking.

10. How can readers connect to you and support your work on social media and other platforms?

I can be reached via email at Tammani_Trevillion@yahoo.com.
I am also available on Facebook and Instagram with username Tammani Trevillion